Program Committee
CHAIRPERSON: The committee does not have a formal chairperson currently.
MEETINGS: Second Wednesday of each month in the DSS Training Room, Chesterfield at 10:00 a.m... Call the Chesterfield County Coordinating Council (CCCC) office (843-623-5274) to be added to the email reminder system.
GOAL: A) To assist the CCCC Board and staff to produce effective CCCC meetings, especially by developing pertinent and timely Global Discussions; B) To maintain and distribute the various informational products/flyers developed by the CCCC.
The purpose of the Global Discussion portion of the meeting agenda is to generate dialogue about issues that pertain to furthering the CCCC mission. The Global Discussions are about issues that are greater than any one agency and/or have impact on to ability of agencies to work together. They should assist with increasing connections, create a deeper understanding of the issue, and help participants to be more effective serving the citizens of Chesterfield County. Ideally, these discussions will identify opportunities and needs, assist with reducing barriers to effective services, and address the appearance or result of duplication of services. A Global Discussion may result in the CCCC deciding to develop a committee to study and develop an action plan to address the issue.
ACTIVITIES: The Committee members plan and arrange the speakers for the Global Discussion portion of the monthly CCCC meetings following the policies and procedures approved by the organization. Some Global Discussions are a series following a theme. The meeting evaluation process and form are developed and analyzed monthly by this committee to ensure the group’s needs are being met.
The Chesterfield County Resource Directory, one of the first projects of the CCCC, is designed to assist agency staff in finding resources for clients. One of the original goals of the Coordinating Council was to improve interagency education. The most efficient, initial method was to publish a Resource Directory. The process of putting together this publication was also a significant collaborative effort. The current Resource Directory Update is available on the CCCC website,
In 2015, the Program Committee published the Resource Directory Update available on the CCCC website. Please contact the chairperson or the CCCC office if your organization wants to be included. Additional resource flyers (Food Resources List, Peer Support Group List, Wellness Directory, and Mental Health Resources) are available on the website and from the CCCC office.
AME Zion Church Missionary Society
Goodman Creek Baptist Church
Mt. Olive Baptist Church
SC Legal Services
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
Putting Things in Perspective 08-17