Committees » Volunteer Committee

Volunteer Committee




CHAIRPERSON: The Committee currently does not have a chairperson. Farris Pigg at CCCC is acting as interim chairperson.


MEETINGS: The Committee meets on the same day as the CCCC meetings. Please contact Farris Pigg (843-623-5274) to be added to the email notification.


GOAL: This Committee works to promote the benefits of voluntarism and use the interagency network to more efficiently and effectively recruit, retain, and recognize volunteers.


ACTIVITIES: This Committee, originally formed in 1998, was revived in 2016. The members developed a mission statement and are considering how to revive, update, and make the CHESTERFIELD COUNTY CARES volunteer matching system sustainable.


Each spring, the Committee sponsors a county wide recognition event to honor volunteers near the national Volunteer Recognition Week. By sharing effort and costs, the luncheon is an opportunity for numerous smaller organizations to recognize and honor the hard work of their volunteers in a grander way than they could if working alone. The Committee ensures that this event is widely publicized so as to encourage more individuals to volunteer and get involved in the community.



Agape Senior Services

Chesterfield County Department of Juvenile Justice

Chesterfield County Guardian ad Litem

Chesterfield Parish, United Methodist Church

DSS Regional Prevention Office

Hospice of Chesterfield County

Girl Scouts of Eastern SC

Growing Homes SE


McLeod Health-Cheraw

Mothers’ Board

Smithville AME Zion

06-17 MAPM


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