Committees » Adult Interagency Treatment Team

Adult Interagency Treatment Team



CHAIRPERSON: Wanda Joseph, Adult Protective Services Supervisor, DSS, 843-623-2014


MEETINGS: The Adult Interagency Treatment Team meets the third Tuesday of each month at 11 a.m. in the DSS Conference Room in Chesterfield.


GOAL: The members assist each other with solving difficult problems for clients, keeping abreast of resources and programs, creating and managing needed programs, reducing duplication, and facilitating the interagency referral process.


ACTIVITIES: The Treatment Team began prior to the formation of the CCCC. The committee is comprised of treatment level staff working with adults. The group is focused on helping each other address the client's problems holistically, promoting independence and the prevention of recurring problems.


While working together, team members identify common client needs across agency boundaries. These staff write and receive grants to begin new services to meet these needs. The implementation and maintenance of these new services is in addition to their full time jobs. For clients whose application for Nutritional Supplement or Blast Meals is denied, serious efforts are made to refer to other programs to meet the client's needs.


The Nutritional Supplement program makes canned supplement, such as Equate or Ensure, available to ill adults that have no other means of accessing the nutrition. The program is now funded solely by donations from churches, fraternities, and grant applications. As a group, the Committee reviews applications and approves clients to receive up to three cases before needing to reapply.


Established in 1997, the Blast Meal Program provides five, flash frozen meals a week to indigent, usually elderly, adults that do not have access to other nutritional programs and do not have the extreme diet problems addressed by the Nutritional Supplement program. Currently funded by the United Way of Chesterfield County, the program helps approximately 20 adults per week to stay more independent and in their own home. Staff making scheduled home visits deliver the meals, reducing the costs of the program with at least 90% of grant funds being used to purchase meals. Due to the unique delivery service, the CCCC-AITT Blast Meal program won the 1998 Governor's Health Promotion for Older South Carolinians Award.




DHHS Community Long Term Care

DHHS Medicaid

Helping Hands Hospice

Hospice of Chesterfield County

Chesterfield County Council on Aging

Chesterfield County Department of Social Services

Chesterfield County Veterans Affairs

Chesco Services

Tri-County Community Mental Health Center








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